Sustainable Saturday - Gardening with Children: A Series Documenting our Garden 2010

My typical early morning Sustainable Saturday post this week will be happening a little later in the day or possibly even on Sunday.  This is the weekend that we plan to transplant many of our plants from their starting containers and move them outside.

I'll post our progress and completion photos to document our progress.  My initial plan was to outline where I'm going to put what using Gardener's Supply - Kitchen Garden Custom Planting Map.  This FREE online tool you can simply drag and drop your vegetables into a very user friendly Planting Map.  However, I think that I am going to just plant.  There will be some thought, but I can just simply head out to the garden with my plants (and my children) and put everything where it makes he most sense.  I will probably also reference Organic Gardening Magazine from their Feb/March 2010 Issue to roughly plan how to get the most out of the space I have.

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